Shibari Classes
REGULAR SHIBARI CLASSES: Wednesday & Thursday 19:00 - 20:30, Sunday 18:00 - 19:30

Apart from workshops with different presenters from all over the world on many different aspects of shibari, we have some more regular classes, for all levels.
Until then, check here some available options to learn the ropes.

1. Open Classes
This event is scheduled once or twice per month, usually on Sunday evenings. It's for complete beginners and it's the best way to be introduced to shibari, learn all the basics and get inspired. It's suitable even for single participants.
A) Theoretical part
Shibari History, safety in ropes, communication, negotiation and consent in ropes and basic shibari terminology.
B) Practical part
Single and double Column tie, basic rope handling skills, rope tension skills, futomomo, ideas for play and improvisation with rope.
Cost per person is 15 euros
2. Regular classes
Are you looking for a way to get better in ropes? Then this is for you! We do regular classes in all levels, very limited places.
~ Mixed level:
Includes safety, communication, negotiation, floorties, improvisation, terminology, body handling, play ideas on the floor and more. For more intermediate practitioners the classes also include suspension lines, partial suspensions, intro to suspension, simple movements, enrichment for all the things taught in the beginners' level and more, like dynamic transitions, more demanding positions, erotic torture (semenawa), decorative techniques (including bamboos, candles etc), installations etc
Cost: 120 euro per couple per month (or 4 classess of 45 minutes each)
Prerequisites for riggers: to have a set of at least 5 pieces of 8m ropes and a pair of safety scissors
Prerequisites for models: to know how to communicate with their rigger
Class Schedule: (summer Hours)
Thursday: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Sunday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
3. Set of 4 private classes
If you are not able to attend a class every week, but you want to improve your rope skills, or you are interested in watching specific subjects of shibari, then this is the perfect choice for you.
Cost (per 45 min lesson): 30€ per pair for beginners / 40€ per pair for advanced.
Minimum booking of 4 courses.
Cancellation Policy: If cancellation occurs up to 5 hours before the class time, no charge is incurred. For any cancellation taking within 5 hours of the start of the class, you will be charged for the price of the lesson.
4. Private tuitions
Do you have an unpredictable schedule? Do you prefer to see specific things?
Then book us for some private classes!
The cost for private shibari lessons is the following:
35€/ 45mins for beginners' level
45€/45minsfor advanced level
Cancellation Policy: If cancellation occurs up to 5 hours before the class time, no charge is incurred. For any cancellation taking within 5 hours of the start of the class, you will be charged for the price of the lesson.
5. Online Classes
For online lessons the cost is 25€ per hour for beginners and 35€ per hour for advanced students.
6. Lessons for models / rope sessions
Do you want to try the feeling of being tied up, to get to know different approaches to Japanese erotic bondage, to learn your body inside the ropes? You can book a rope session! At the same time, we will focus on security, consent, negotiation and communication.
Cost (per 45 minute session): 35 € for floor bindings / 45 € for suspensions
Note: the rope sessions are only part of the shibari / kinbaku practice and do not include any other erotic, sexual or bdsm content services or experiences.
Cancellation Policy: If cancellation occurs up to 24 hours before the class time, no charge is incurred. For any cancellation taking within the last 24 hours of the start of the class, you will be charged for the price of the lesson.
* Note: all these prices are for our space in Athens, Greece and they might be different in other places. Shows (either private or public) start with a cost of 200 euros for a 35-45 minute show.

To book your participation please
By pm at our FaceBook page House of Ropes - shibari in Athens
By e-mail: athenshibari@gmail.com
At the number: 0030 6981469222.
Booking is mandatory, since places are very limited!
We look forward to see you there!
- The AthenShibari Team