We are excited to welcome you to the first event that will attempt to combine psychodrama and BDSM, from our team's psychologist and psychodrama therapist!
This class is designed for individuals interested in exploring the therapeutic and psychological aspects of BDSM through the lens of the method of psychodrama. Psychodrama, a form of therapy developed by Jacob L. Moreno, uses guided drama and role-playing to help individuals explore their emotions, relationships, and inner conflicts. Psychodrama can offer profound insights into personal desires, boundaries, and identities.
To create a safe environment for understanding BDSM dynamics through psychodramatic techniques.
To deepen participants' insight of their own and others' psychological and emotional landscapes within BDSM contexts.
To use exercises of role-play and dramatization to explore power dynamics, consent, and boundaries in a controlled and supportive setting and explore the impact that may have in our lives.
To offer tools for personal growth, emotional release, and enhanced communication within BDSM relationships.
Who Should Attend:
Individuals or couples interested in BDSM and/or psychodrama.
Therapists or counselors looking to integrate psychodramatic techniques into their practice with BDSM-aware clients.
Anyone curious about the psychological dimensions of BDSM.
Cost per person 40 euros
Cost per couple 60 euros
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
More about the presenter:
*About the presenter:*
Anna Polychronopoulou is a psychologist with master in social psychiatry and has a license to practice psychology. She studied and graduated in the Psychology Faculty of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She continued her studies in a two-year postgraduate program of "Social Psychiatry", which is conducted by the Department of Psychiatry of the Democritus University of Thrace and specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology and psychological symptoms in adults and children.
In order to enrich her knowledge, she attended two years’ Psychoanalytic seminar on psychoanalytic theory and the basic principles of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in adults, with Professor P. Sakellaropoulos as the scientific supervisor of the program. She has as well attended a two years’ training at psychosomatic psychotherapy and psychosomatic issues, at the Hellenic Psychosomatic Society.
She has completed a four-year training in the psychotherapeutic method of psychodrama from the center "Endochora", which is a member of the European Psychodrama Federation, FEPTO.
She has collaborated voluntarily with the Athens’ Psychiatric Hospital "Dromokaitio" and with the Non-Governmental Organization "Social Psychiatry and Mental Health", with its main target the care and socialization of people with psychiatric disorders.
She has offered her services on the hotline of direct social assistance "197" of the National Center of Social Solidarity (EKKA), where she provided counseling and psychological support to the calling adults, adolescents and children. This specific service gave her an "Honorable Mention" for her work.
She has attended and undertaken cases at the Day Center of the Non-Governmental Organization "ANASA" which concerns people suffering from eating disorders.
Finally, she worked as a psychologist at a Psychopedagogical Center, where she had undertaken the psychological evaluation and treatment of children who come to the center and also did parental counseling.
She currently works privately as a psychotherapist and conducts sessions mainly for adults and adolescents with a variety of treatment requests.
She is a polyamory-affirmative, sex-positive, kink allied therapist, with knowledge on the subject of sexual orientation and gender identity.